2018年12月26日 星期三

2018年12月17日 星期一

於Salesforce Lightning中判斷使用裝置

How To Detect a Device In Salesforce Lightning Component ?

{!$Browser.isTablet}      > To detect the tablet device
{!$Browser.isPhone}      > To detect the user is in Mobile Phone / mobile browser
{!$Browser.isAndroid}   > To detect the user is in Android device
{!$Browser.formFactor} > Returns a FormFactor enum value based on the type of hardware the browser is                                                            running on.
DESKTOP for a desktop client
PHONE for a phone including a mobile phone with a browser and a smartphone
TABLET for a tablet client (for which isTablet returns true)

    <aura:if isTrue="{!$Browser.isTablet}">
     You are using a tablet device
        ( <lightning:icon iconName="utility:tablet_portrait" size="x-small" alternativeText="Indicates approval"/> ).
    <aura:if isTrue="{!$Browser.isPhone}">
        You are using a phone
        ( <lightning:icon iconName="utility:phone_portrait" size="x-small" alternativeText="Indicates approval"/> ).
        This message is rendered using isPhone <br />
    <aura:if isTrue="{!$Browser.isIPhone}">
        You are using an IPhone, If it is IPhone X, _/\_ <br />
    <aura:if isTrue="{!$Browser.formFactor == 'DESKTOP'}">
     You are using a DESKTOP
        ( <lightning:icon iconName="utility:desktop" size="x-small" alternativeText="Indicates approval"/> )
        Browser device
    <aura:if isTrue="{!$Browser.formFactor == 'PHONE'}">
     You are using a Phone, This message is rendered using formFactor
    <aura:if isTrue="{!$Browser.formFactor == 'TABLET'}">
     You are using a Table device

<aura:application extends="force:slds">
    <c:DetectMyDevice />
